The Technological Advantage

With mirrors positioned on the pool floor, in front of the pool and on the ceiling of the facility, every swimmer looking to improve their stroke performance gets to see the actions he or she is taking for self-correction purposes, while a live camera system with 50-inch screen is made available to review video of a swimming performance.

Attached to a computer with movement analysis software and the aforementioned video monitor, the camera enables Agnes to analyse exactly what an individual is doing as he or she swims.

Video stroke analysis has proven to be an extremely effective tool used to identify poor stroke mechanics while allowing the individual to witness what is happening in the water for themselves.

This makes the coaching environment provided by Agnes unique in that the individual is an active participant in their learning – indeed, by providing an opportunity for you to see your stroke yourself, you gain a greater understanding of what needs to be corrected and allows for adjustments to be made on the spot.

So effective is this approach that many swimmers are surprised by the huge differences between what they think they are doing in the water and what they are actually doing, as seen on the slow-motion playback of the video Agnes offers.

The pool itself boasts a Fastlane endless pool jet and dimensions of 2.4m x 5m, with a depth of 1.2m. Agnes also offers open-water swimming in this pool facility during the winter months.

Although the camera system is used solely during the stroke analysis/correction lessons, all swimmers (from learners to the more advanced candidates) can make use of the strategically positioned mirrors to see the actions they’re taking, helping with the overall performance of each lesson. A truly unique approach to learning, with far greater self-analysis per lesson.

Premium coaching services Agnes George offers include:

Swimming technique and stroke efficiency improvement at every level

Open-water swimming during winter months

Swim coaching for every experience level and age

Self-correction applications via live video